Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Continuing Conversation: My Internship Experience

Am I in the right place?

That was my initial thought when I walked into Capstrat on the first day of my internship. Dressed in a business suit and armed with a calendar, folder and notepad, I felt like I was ready for anything.

That was until someone sped past me on a scooter.
I'm not sure if I expected pale gray walls with long, rectangular boardroom tables and bland, uptight people -- but one thing's for sure: Capstrat has been anything but bland. The office just breeds creativity. I never imagined that I would take part in a "brainstorm session" that encouraged us to think creatively while listening to music and drawing on the table and walls.

I felt as if I had stepped into an alternate universe where not only did people actually enjoy each other's company, but they also seemed to enjoy working. This attitude quickly rubbed off on me.

I anticipated learning a lot this summer and so I was prepared to do more listening than speaking. Indeed, I learned much, but one of the best lessons was to stop whispering and join the conversation.

It's been a whirlwind of meetings, projects, research, writing, great food (yes, I had to emphasize that) and awesome people. But I didn't expect so much encouragement to provide my own feedback and share my talents and ideas. Capstrat wanted to learn as much from me as I from it – a conversation that would lead to my personal progress. It's this conversation that I will cherish most about my time here.

Yet, thanks to social media, I know that the conversation is far from over.

That's all social media is -- one big conversation to which we all can contribute. With so many people talking, progress is inevitable...that's the best part about it. On my last day here, as I look around at the friendly faces that have become so familiar, I don't really feel like I'm leaving Capstrat. I've become a part of something much bigger than myself and I'll be honored to help keep the conversation going. To everyone at Capstrat: thanks for inviting me in!